Source code for nextinspace

__version__ = "2.0.3"
__all__ = ["nextinspace", "next_launch", "next_event"]

import typing
from datetime import MINYEAR, datetime, timezone
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import requests


[docs]class Event: """Generic space event. This constructor is meant for private use. This class is documented solely for its attributes. .. note:: When the LL2 API does not provide a date for the :class:`Event`, the `date` attribute is set to `datetime(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1)`. This is so the :class:`Event` is sorted to the back of the returned tuple. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str], location: Optional[str], date: datetime, description: Optional[str], type_: Optional[str], ): = name self.location = location = date self.description = description self.type_ = type_ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if type(self) is type(other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return False def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__}({', '.join(repr(attr) for attr in self.__dict__.values())})"
[docs]class Launcher: """Holds launcher information for instances of the :class:`Launch` class This constructor is meant for private use. This class is documented solely for its attributes. .. note:: When the LL2 API does not provide a maiden flight date for the :class:`Launcher`, the `maiden_flight_date` attribute is set to `datetime(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1)`. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str], payload_leo: Optional[float], payload_gto: Optional[float], liftoff_thrust: Optional[float], liftoff_mass: Optional[float], max_stages: Optional[int], height: Optional[float], successful_launches: Optional[int], consecutive_successful_launches: Optional[int], failed_launches: Optional[int], maiden_flight_date: datetime, ): = name self.payload_leo = payload_leo self.payload_gto = payload_gto self.liftoff_thrust = liftoff_thrust self.liftoff_mass = liftoff_mass self.max_stages = max_stages self.height = height self.successful_launches = successful_launches self.consecutive_successful_launches = consecutive_successful_launches self.failed_launches = failed_launches self.maiden_flight_date = maiden_flight_date def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if type(self) is type(other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return False def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__qualname__}({', '.join(repr(attr) for attr in self.__dict__.values())})"
[docs]class Launch(Event): """Launch event This constructor is meant for private use. This class is documented solely for its attributes. .. note:: When the LL2 API does not provide a date for the :class:`Launch`, the `date` attribute is set to `datetime(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1)`. This is so the :class:`Launch` is sorted to the back of the returned tuple. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str], location: Optional[str], date: datetime, description: Optional[str], type_: Optional[str], launcher: Optional[Launcher], ): super().__init__(name, location, date, description, type_) self.launcher = launcher
[docs]def nextinspace(num_items: int, include_launcher: bool = False) -> Tuple[Union[Launch, Event], ...]: """This gets the next (specified number) of items from the LL2 API. :param num_items: Number of items to get from the API :type num_items: int :param include_launcher: Whether to include the launcher of the requested :class:`Launches <Launch>`, defaults to False :type include_launcher: bool, optional :return: Upcoming :class:`Launches <Launch>` and :class:`Events <Event>`. Note that the length of this tuple will be <= `num_items`. :rtype: Tuple :raises requests.exceptions.RequestException: If there is a problem connecting to the API. Also does a `raise_for_status()` call \ so HTTPErrors are possible as well. .. warning:: Because the LL2 API does not offer any way of getting *n* upcoming spaceflight items, this function must query the API twice, once for the next *n* :class:`Events <Event>`, and once for the next *n* :class:`Launches <Launch>`, and merge the queries into a sorted form. **As such, this function may be slower than anticipated.** 🙁 .. deprecated:: 2.0.3 Because the filter by time function of the LL2 API is currently broken, **upcoming means beyond and including today**. """ events = next_event(num_items) launches = next_launch(num_items, include_launcher) return tuple(merge_sorted_sequences(events, launches, num_items))
@typing.no_type_check def merge_sorted_sequences( seq_1: Sequence[Union[Launch, Event]], seq_2: Sequence[Union[Launch, Event]], target_length_merged_list: int ) -> List[Union[Launch, Event]]: """Perform a merge of two sorted sequences. Sequences must be of Events or of Event subclasses with date attributes""" l_seq_1 = len(seq_1) l_seq_2 = len(seq_2) # The lengths of two lists added is the max possible length of any combination max_possible_length = l_seq_1 + l_seq_2 # The actual length should IDEALLY be as close to the target length as possible, so: # # If target length <= max possible length --> we can just set merged length to target length # # If target length > max possible length --> the actual length is set to the max possible length # (which is as close to the target as is possible) merged_list_length = min(target_length_merged_list, max_possible_length) merged_list: Any = [None] * merged_list_length i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 # Traverse both lists simultaneously while i < l_seq_1 and j < l_seq_2: # Check if current element of first array is smaller than current element of second array. # If yes, store first array element and increment first array index. Otherwise do same with second array if seq_1[i].date < seq_2[j].date: merged_list[k] = seq_1[i] k += 1 if k == merged_list_length: return merged_list i += 1 else: merged_list[k] = seq_2[j] k += 1 if k == merged_list_length: return merged_list j += 1 # Store remaining elements of first list while i < l_seq_1: merged_list[k] = seq_1[i] k += 1 if k == merged_list_length: return merged_list i += 1 # Store remaining elements of second list while j < l_seq_2: merged_list[k] = seq_2[j] k += 1 if k == merged_list_length: return merged_list j += 1 return merged_list
[docs]def next_launch(num_launches: int, include_launcher: bool = False) -> Tuple[Launch, ...]: """Same as :func:`nextinspace` but only :class:`Launches <Launch>` requested. :param num_launches: Number of :class:`Launches <Launch>` to get from the API :type num_launches: int :param include_launcher: Whether to include the launcher of the requested :class:`Launches <Launch>`, defaults to False :type include_launcher: bool, optional :return: Upcoming :class:`Launches <Launch>`. Note that the length of this tuple will be <= `num_launches`. :rtype: Tuple :raises requests.exceptions.RequestException: If there is a problem connecting to the API. Also does a `raise_for_status()` call \ so HTTPErrors are possible as well. """ now_str = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") data = api_get_request(f"{BASE_URL}/launch", {"limit": num_launches, "net__gte": now_str}) launches = [] for result in data["results"]: name = result["name"] pad_name = get_nested_dict_val(result, "pad", "name") pad_location = get_nested_dict_val(result, "pad", "location", "name") location = build_location_string(pad_name, pad_location) date = date_str_to_datetime(result["net"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") description = get_nested_dict_val(result, "mission", "description") type_ = get_nested_dict_val(result, "mission", "type") launcher_url = get_nested_dict_val(result, "rocket", "configuration", "url") launcher = get_launcher(launcher_url) if include_launcher else None launches.append(Launch(name, location, date, description, type_, launcher)) return tuple(launches)
def build_location_string(pad_name: Optional[str], pad_location: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if pad_name is not None: if pad_location is not None: return f"{pad_name}, {pad_location}" return pad_name elif pad_location is not None: return pad_location else: return None
[docs]def next_event(num_events: int) -> Tuple[Event, ...]: """Same as :func:`nextinspace` but only :class:`Events <Event>` requested. :param num_events: Number of :class:`Events <Event>` to get from the API :type num_events: int :return: Upcoming :class:`Events <Event>`. Note that the length of this tuple will be <= `num_events`. :rtype: Tuple :raises requests.exceptions.RequestException: If there is a problem connecting to the API. Also does a `raise_for_status()` call \ so HTTP errors are possible as well. """ data = api_get_request(f"{BASE_URL}/event/upcoming", {"limit": num_events}) events = [] for result in data["results"]: name = result["name"] location = result["location"] date = date_str_to_datetime(result["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") description = result["description"] type_ = get_nested_dict_val(result, "type", "name") events.append(Event(name, location, date, description, type_)) return tuple(events)
def get_nested_dict_val(dict_: Dict, *keys: str) -> Any: """Get the value present in the nested dict at the specified keys. If a TypeError is raised (because at some point in the path we find None), then return None. This is necessary because there is no API documentation I could find that specified when and how values could be left nonexistent. Note that this method is only required when accessing a nested dict (ex: dict[x][y]). :param dictionary: The dictionary to search in :type dictionary: Dict :return: Whatever value is at the last nested key :rtype: Any """ try: for key in keys: dict_ = dict_[key] return dict_ except TypeError: return None def get_launcher(url: str) -> Launcher: """Get launcher from API :param url: LL2 API URL for requested :class:`Launcher` :type url: str :return: Requested :class:`Launcher` :rtype: Launcher """ data = api_get_request(url) name = data["full_name"] payload_leo = data["leo_capacity"] payload_gto = data["gto_capacity"] liftoff_thrust = data["to_thrust"] liftoff_mass = data["launch_mass"] max_stages = data["max_stage"] height = data["length"] successful_launches = data["successful_launches"] consecutive_successful_launches = data["consecutive_successful_launches"] failed_launches = data["failed_launches"] maiden_flight_date = date_str_to_datetime(data["maiden_flight"], "%Y-%m-%d") return Launcher( name, payload_leo, payload_gto, liftoff_thrust, liftoff_mass, max_stages, height, successful_launches, consecutive_successful_launches, failed_launches, maiden_flight_date, ) def date_str_to_datetime(datetime_str: Optional[str], fmat_str: str) -> datetime: """Convert datetime string in UTC to datetime object in local timezone :param datetime_str: :type datetime_str: Optional[str] :param fmat_str: Format str for `datetime.strptime()` :type fmat_str: str :return: datetime object in local timezone :rtype: datetime """ if datetime_str is None: return datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1) datetime_utc = datetime.strptime(datetime_str, fmat_str).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) return datetime_utc.astimezone() def api_get_request(endpoint: str, payload: Dict = {}) -> Any: """Make get request to LL2 API :param endpoint: API endpoint address :type endpoint: str :param payload: Query string for API as defined by Requests, defaults to {} :type payload: Dict, optional :return: Either JSON data from the API or raise an exception if the API is unreachable :rtype: Any :raises requests.exceptions.RequestException: """ response = requests.get(endpoint, params=payload) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()